Piper is a timid 12 year old girl who's scared to tackle even the smallest of problems, and Giragon is a jaded, skyscraper sized kaiju who's lost the spark of why she keeps protecting humanity. In this Freaky Friday meets Godzilla story, the two switch bodies and must learn to live live at a new size... all while trying to switch back!
This Middle Grade Graphic Novel concept was explored in my final class at SCAD. For the project we were required to draft a cover and 4 pages of story for our chosen concept. I chose a snippet that would likely happen near the beginning of the second act, as well as explore the use of limited color. The original 1954 Godzilla poster served as the main inspiration for the concept cover featured in this project.
Character designs and environments for this concept can be found through the button below!
Below are the cover and page thumbnails used during the ideation phase of the project. Page numbers circled in red were the chosen pages taken to completion.
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